Streaming Platforms
Decisions, decisions. So as with everything I am a finicky bitch because I can’t choose between stuff. In this case its which streaming platform is the best for what I want to do. One things for certain, Rumble is not it. The audience is too low, and there seems to be a lot of infighting in the community.
I tried YouTube, and the audience is there, but the net is skimming too wide because everyone is fighting over eyeballs on a wider gambit of topics and types of streams.
All in all I think I’ve settled on Twitch. Its pretty much a gamers platform and their backend software is way much better with seamless integration with many different 3rd party extensions. It’s a little overwhelming and I’ll probably start small. Things might change a little if I make affiliate level but it will be the same core of streaming lets play first. I agree with Rabb and JTpxl in creating a great community of people and streamers to make the platform better. I like that idea.
Typically I’m an introvert. Interacting with people makes me cringe. But when I have a group of like-minded people around me it electrifies and I’m more apt to contribute. Games, TV, movies, food… I’m really glad I met these people. They are so nice.